Passers will get their certificates of conferment, notice of exam rating and affiliation identification (ID) cards. The certificate and the ID expire upon the lapse of two (2) years from their issuance.

Renewal thereof is allowed at the option of the affiliate, subject to re-training and renewal examination. There is no renewal process for the junior paralegal program.

Renewal costs may be found in the rates and pricing table below. For those with multiple affiliation designations, only one (1) of the designations – or the highest designation, if any – is required to be renewed and this will result in the renewal of all existing affiliation designations. Issuance and shipment of a renewed certificate and affiliation identification (ID) card is included in the renewal fee.

Approval of renewal depends on the evaluation of CPLR, INC.'s Board of Certifications (BOCER) on whether a renewal applicant possesses or still possesses the qualities of excellence and competence required by CPLR, INC. from its affiliates. The basis of this is the applicant’s success in one (1) renewal proficiency assessment.

The allowable renewal period is the last sixty (60) days prior to the expiry date of the conferment. Hence, affiliates are not allowed to apply for renewal before the said period. Affiliates are allowed to pursue renewal within six (6) months from expiry of affiliation.

Failure to renew within six (6) months from expiry will cause the removal of the good-standing status of an affiliate. His/her status will be reflected on the official records of CPLR, Inc, including but not limited to the CPLR, INC. website, the official online chat group for his/her batch, and the official online group for all affiliates.

Failure to renew beyond six (6) months from expiry will prompt the de-affiliation process. Hence, the Board of Certifications (BOCER) will send a notice to the non-renewing affiliate and require a written explanation for non-renewal within five (5) days from receipt via his/her CPLR, INC.-registered email address. If the answer/s are not satisfactory or if no explanation is submitted, his/her affiliation will be removed and s/he will be required to surrender the original copies of his/her certificates and affiliation identification card/s, which shall remain property under the ownership of CPLR, INC. in perpetuity throughout the universe.

Failure to return said certificates and/or cards within thirty (30) days from notice will entitle CPLR, INC. to actual, liquidated and all other forms of damages. Stipulated or liquidated damages are set at the amount of Php480,000.00 which is agreed to be a reasonable estimate of the professional value of said certificate and affiliation ID card, computed at usual regular rate of Php4,800.00 multiplied by 100.

CPLR, INC. reserves the right to announce de-affiliation publicly via any means – whether social media, letter, broadcast, newspaper, etc. – in order to protect the name of its professional organization and to prevent the misuse of its professional designations.

A member is allowed to de-affiliate himself/herself by voluntarily not renewing his/her certification or tendering a letter of relinquishment of designation. In either case, return of the certificate/s or affiliation ID card/s is required as stated above.

Link to the renewal process shall be provided below as soon as it becomes available:


The following table shows the enrollment rates for each program. Please note that these are exclusive of the certificate and ID (C-ID) fee set at Php500.00. Click here for the full list of CPLR, INC. certification programs.















In relation to the payment of enrollment fees, the following rules must be kept in mind:

  1. Payment may be made via GCash to bank, bank to bank, remittance to bank, etc. transfers;
  2. Proof of payment shall be uploaded on the online enrollment form;
  3. The enrollment month is the month prior to the training month. Thus, if the training month is February, the enrollment month is January;
  4. The enrollment month is from the first day of the month until its last day. Thus, if the enrollment month is January, the last day of enrollment is January 31;
  5. The early bird period is until the 10th day of the enrollment month. Thus, if the enrollment month is January, the early bird period is until January 10;
  6. A re-enrollee is a previous enrollee of any CPLR, INC. program or any program of CPLR, INC. partner institutes. Proof of such re-enrollment status will be required upon enrollment;
  7. To avail of the early bird rate or the re-enrollee rate, full payment (100%) is required;
  8. The down payment system (DPS), also known as the partial payment scheme (PPS), applies only to the regular rate. Thus, payment of half (50%) of the regular rate will required upon enrollment, subject to full payment on or before the date of final examination. Otherwise, the program shall automatically be converted into an ordinary seminar without eligibility for certification. Full payment of the DPS balance is still required for the release of any certificate;
  9. Enrollment fees are exclusive of the certificate and ID (C-ID) fee pegged at Php500.00 which should be paid only when results are out. Do not pay the C-ID fee upon enrollment;
  10. The certificate and ID (C-ID) fee shall be the same for passers (who are entitled to a certificate of conferment, a professional affiliation ID and a notice of exam rating) and for non-passers (who are entitled only to a certificate [of participation or completion] and a notice of exam rating); and
  11. Enrollment confirmation does not mean final payment verification. Enrollment is always subject to the final findings of CPLR, INC. audit and accounting teams.